October 7, 2016

Oatmeal in Minutes

Sometimes, when you wake up in the morning, you simply want to make yourself breakfast very quickly without having to wait an eternity until you finally get something inside your stomach. As the days get colder and colder, having something warm for breakfast looks even nicer. Making oatmeal the traditional way means cooking for about 10 minutes and having to be there due to stirring it. However, I came up with an idea to make yourself a huge bowl of oatmeal within minutes. 

Put some oats inside a bowl. There comes 1 cup of water on 1/2 cup of oats. But you can easily just boil more water in order to make the consistency the way you like it best, the measures are only a guideline.

After the water is as hot as you want it to be, simply put it over the oats and stir. It is important to have them completely covered with water due to the fact that they will increase in size. 

Leave it for a while during the time you spend getting your toppings ready. Personally, I like my oatmeal best with berries  (especially strawberries and raspberries) or with apples. To sweeten it you can use honey, maple syrup or sugar and cinnamon. A smashed banana stirred under it also tastes very nice and sweet.

Put everything together and enjoy your breakfast which gives you a lot of energy for the day.

Have a great day and weekend!


Picture Sources: https://celiac.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/oats.jpg; 


  1. Ich habe Oatmeal noch nie probiert aber so wie du es beschreibst, klingt es super:) Liebe Grüße, Leonie von http://eyeofthelion.de

    1. Danke für deinen Kommentar! Oatmeal ist definitiv einen Versuch wert, wenn man die Haferflocken in einem Topf aufkocht (halb Milch, halb Wasser dazu) dann wird das ganze noch breiiger :)

      Alles Liebe

  2. Ich liebe Oatmeal, mein tägliches Frühstück! <3

    Alles Liebe,


    1. Oatmeal ist wirklich lecker :D danke für deinen Kommentar :)

      Alles Liebe

  3. Früher hat meine Großmutter bei jedem Besuch zum Frühstück Oatmeal bzw. damals hieß es bei uns Haferschleim, zubereitet und bereits da habe ich es geliebt. Es ist so simpel, aber so köstlich und ich mag es aus meinem Speisenplan nicht wegdenken!

    Melia Beli

    1. Das hört sich wirklich schön an :) oh ja, meistens sind die einfachsten Dinge die besten!
      Danke dir für deinen Kommentar

      Alles Liebe


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