October 22, 2013

The Definition of Beauty

L i f e - beauty

One question concerning everybody is what beauty means. First of all, one needs to define between inner and outer beauty.

Outer beauty is way more easier to define than inner beauty, because it is not such a complex topic as inner beauty. You can work on it by working out, eating healthy, but also by enjoying your life and accepting yourself and your body the way it is. However, everyone has a different definition of a beauty ideal and what is beautiful to one and what not.

Inner beauty is everyoneself's achievement: You need to accept yourself the way you are and always keep in mind that - no matter what others say - everyone is great the way he or she is. If you have realized that, everone can be happy with themself and others see that as well.

However, the media shows a different picture of beauty ideals. Does every girl has to look like a model? Are just models beautiful? Or other celebrities who have personal trainers, make-up artists etc. and are always styled perfectly?

The answer is NO!
Everyone is beautiful, no matter how much you weight, which size you have or how well your make-up is. Believe in yourself, in your inner beauty, and if you are beautiful on the inside, it will also influence your outside. 

Say to yourself: I'm beautiful the way I am! My life is great! And everytime you look in the mirror - just focus on the parts you like best about yourself. 

Here are some motivational quotes:

"Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it."
 - Confucius

"For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day.For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone...."   
Sam Levenson

"I always find beauty in things that are odd and imperfect - they are much more interesting."
- Marc Jacobs

What do you think about the beauty ideal the media shows us?

♥ xoxo