November 17, 2013

Cute Sunday Things #1

Today, I want to share cute and adorable, but also motivating stuff with you. Let me know, what you think about it, so maybe this will be the first of more weekly posts.

Believe in yourself, belive in better times coming and just move on. Everything happens for a reason, so let life go its way!

Who does not want to receive such a cute message?

Hey. Ever heard of 

Um yeah... What about them?

You have my number, let 
me know if you ever wanna 
be treated like one.

Have a nice Sunday and a wonderful week! 

♥ xoxo

November 16, 2013

Christmas Time - Sharing Time

How are you, my dears? 

In only 5 weeks there will be Christmas. Just a bit more than a month... Very soon. In the shops there are already Advent calendars, chocolate santas, Christmas decoration such as Christmas trees, stars etc. Soon, these special songs will be played everywhere and there are also markets. - Christmas is near!
Do you (already) have presents for the people you love? Or, do you know what you want for Christmas? 

Christmas time also means caring for each other; everyone is nicer during that time - just a small thing a day can turn a normal day into a great one. And everyone is able to make a difference! You can be nicer to the people you love, support them, do things for them. You can also help people in need, for example by donating. Not everyone has a life as great as yours - keep that in mind. 
However, remember: It does not need Christmas time to be a great and caring person - be that way everyday of the year! 

Be the best version of yourself and make the world a better place. ♥

So, what are your wishes for Christmas? Do you behave special during this time of the year? 

♥ xoxo

November 12, 2013

Quote of the Day (Life)

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on."
 - Robert Frost

So, no matter what is happening in your life right now, what you are going through - life will go on. Making it through rough times will only make you stronger. Keep focusing on the wonderful and great parts of life; believe in yourself. Better times will come. ♥

♥ xoxo

November 2, 2013

Never a failure, always a lesson

This quote is absolutely wonderful and I think that everyone should keep that in mind. We all make mistakes, regret chances we did not take, want to turn back time etc. But it is okay! We are human and humanity consits of not being perfect. If you take every failure as a lesson, you will be much happier, because you do not want to make the same mistake twice. We all remember giving a wrong answer in school. And when we were told the right one, we never forgot it. 

On the other side, we should not judge others for their mistakes and not give them a second chance, because everyone deserves that, If they do not take it, it is fine. Then you will know how they really are and you can overthink your relationship. Or if they do not want to see their mistakes, it is the same here. 

You do not need to be perfect - no one is. Do you know the Hannah Montana song "Nobody's perfect"? - It truly describes the whole thought:

"Everybody makes mistakes 
Everybody has those days
Nobody's perfect 

You live and you learn it 
And if I mess it up sometimes 
Nobody's perfect 
Sometimes I fix things up 
And they fall apart again 
Nobody's perfect 
I know I mix things up 
But I always get it right in the end "

So, get up, keep that in mind, and life will get easier. Enjoy your life, be happy - and remember: Never a failure, always a lesson!

What do you think? What are your motivations?

♥ xoxo