March 3, 2014

Bucket List & Instagram

How are you, my dears?

Everyone thinks about their lives at one point. "What am I going to do after school? Will I find the love of my life? Do I want to have children and if, how many?" and lots of more questions. Personally, I think that planning is very essential, because you can structure your time and often good results come from hard work and time management. However, too much planning and over-thinking destroys the wonderful moments life gives us when we do not plan anything. Relax, calm down! You do not have to know exactly what you want to do with your life. Enjoy everyday and be thankful for every wonderful moment. Life is too short to spend it worrying what might be or over-analyzing what a person said. Look at your future with your heart full of happiness and expectations. Further, there are so many bucket lists with things you want to have done before you are old. From my point of view, this is kind of fun, and some of the ideas are really nice - but, do not stress yourself with thoughts like "I want to do bungee-jumping before I die - let's get up and try it out now!". Everything happens for a reason and will happen the right time. It is always good to have aims and wishes, but never forget the most important thing: Life needs to be enjoyed!

I want to tell you about my Instagram account: @motivationfromheart . As you all know, I want to make people happy and I love quotes - so if you are interested in this: Check it out ;)

Have a wonderful week!

♥ xoxo

February 17, 2014

How I Study & Tips for you

How are you, my dears? I think you all know this situation. You have to study for an exam, but you are not in the mood or you do not know how to start or to work properly. Today, I want to give you some tips on how I study.

#1 Your Workspace
This may sound too obvious or unnecessary, but a cleaned workspace with lots of light is essential for good study results.

#2 The Time
Starting to study at 10pm will not bring good results, because you are so tired and your motivation is on a really low level. Instead, studying in the afternoon is way better, because you are fit and you can spent the evening doing something relaxing and fun. I also recommend to start early enough, at least at the weekend before your test - well, that is actually a bit late, but better than starting the night before.

#3 Motivation
Very important! Even if you do not like the subject - set yourself a goal. This might be getting a better grade or simply really understanding the content. Also getting a good graduation grade can be the thing you want to achieve. With a goal you have something you can work on, something that will motivate you.

#4 Structure
First of all, I write down the topics I have to study. Then I start to write summerys - in keywords. Even if I write down exactly the same as in my notes - when I start using a highlighter the sheet will look very different! ;) Further, writing helps you memorizing the contents you write more. When I am done with writing it all down, I read it out. I kind of do some small presentations to myself to remember everything better. The evening before the exam, I just read everything, but I usually do not add something new. If you did not study it until this time, you would not succeed in starting now.

#5 The Exam
During the exam, I recommend to stay calm. Read the tasks carefully and underline what you have to do. Bring something to drink and check out if you have all your things with you, like pens, paper, pencils etc. When you do not now what to write immediately - relax! Think again and start to write - it might come into your mind when you deal with the topic.

#6 After the Exam
Relax - you made it! Be happy, proud of yourself, and do what you love to do. Spend the day by doing fun things and forget about what you could have written or what your mistakes might be.

I hope, this little "guideline" helped a bit. 

What are your tips for studying?

♥ xoxo

February 8, 2014


How are you, my dears? Today, I want to share with you some inspirational/motivational stuff. Firstly, I have some quotes for you:

"Be with somebody that can make you laugh when you do not even feel like smiling."

"Never blame any day in your life. Good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience, worst days give you a lesson."

Furthermore, I want to share some great music with you:

"Waterloo" by ABBA - Although it is quite old, listening to it makes me happy and I start smiling immediatly.

"Summer of 69" by Bryan Adams - This song is awesome! Great voice, power, rhythms etc.

"Angels" by Robbie Williams - I love this song. It is so nice. 

I also have two funny videos for you: 


The reactions of the children are very funny, although I think some of them might be overreacting a bit - well, just a little bit ;)
There is also a second part:


Aww... The last two children are sooo adorable. Absolutely cute.

Have a wonderful weekend and a great week.

♥ xoxo

February 1, 2014

"You only get one life. It's actually your duty to live it as fully as possible.” * Jojo Moyes: Me Before You

How are you, my dears?

Do you know the novel "Me Before You" by Jojo Moyes? I just finished reading it and all I can say is that I absolutely enjoyed reading it and really love it. 

cover // penguin books

27-year-old Louisa Clark looks for a new job after the cafe she was working in has been closed. Unable to find a kind of work that suits her, she gets the offer to work at a private household as a companion for the 35-year-old quadriplegic Will Traynor for 6 months. Will had an accident two years ago that changed his whole life. He does not like and does not want his new life. During the time they spend together, they influence each other and develop feelings toward the other...

"You only get one life. It's actually your duty to live it as fully as possible.” 

Reading this book was wonderful. It is so moving and catching and you definitely feel with the characters. It will make you cry. Gorgeous, a book about the beauty of life, which makes you think more about yourself and the way you live your life. One of the best books I have ever read.

"A small-life-big-dreams weepie that'll have you snivelling ecstatically into your cocoa." Daily Mail
"What a wonderful, thoughtful and moving book.  I was riveted all the way through.  Absolutely loved it." Sophie Kinsella 
"This truly beautiful story made us laugh, smile and sob like a baby - you simply have to read it." Closer

"Compelling, moving and absorbing. It's also a real weepie." Daily Express

What do you think about "Me Before You"?

♥ xoxo


January 26, 2014

Recent Quotes

How are you, my dears? Today, I want to share some emotional quotes with you I have found recently and really liked. 

The only people you need in life are the ones that need you in theirs. 
- unknown

There is a little truth behind every [justkidding]
a little curiosity behind every [justwondering]
a little knowledge behind every [idon'tknow]

and a little emotion behind every [idon'tcare]
- unknown

You can't close your eyes to things you don't want to see,
but you can't close your eyes to the things you don't want to feel.

- unknown

When one door closes, another opens; 
but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door

that we do not see the one that has opened for us.
- Alexander Graham Bell

Sometimes the people who don't talk to you are the ones that really want to.
- unknown

Have a wonderful week and always remember:
You are great the way you are!

♥ xoxo

quotes found on instagram, brainyquote, boardofwisdom 

January 19, 2014

Cute Sunday Things #2

How are you, my dears? Hope, you all enjoy your weekend and start into the new week full of energy. It is time to share some cute things with you. (klick here for the first "Cute Sunday Things" post).

best friends

are people you don't need to talk to every single day, you don't need to talk to each other for weeks, but when you do, it's as if you'd never stopped talking.

Cute Story
There was a girl who was playing in the park when she saw a picture in the bush. She kept the photo, but forgot about it until she was married. Her husband asked, who is that little boy in her wallet. She answered: "My first love." Then her husband smiled and said: "I lost this picture when I was nine years old."

Piglet: "How do you spell love?"
Pooh: "You don't spell it, you feel it."

The love of your family. Your greatest source for love, advice, happiness, hugs and happy moments.

Have a nice sunday and a wonderful week!

♥ xoxo


January 10, 2014

Everyone Deserves to Love Who He Wants

Hello my dears!

Recently, the topic homosexuality is in the media's focus, because a former German football player has come out. This was very brave and he earned lots of positive feedback for what he did. 

However, in our society there is still a problem with homosexuality. But why? Everyone deserves to love who he or she wants. Whether this is a woman or a man - never mind! Why insulting people only because they have a different sexual orientation than you? This attitude, in the worst case homophobia, is absoultely bad and should be changed. We all can make a difference! Accepting others the way they are. Everything is normal. Support this topic, make people open their eyes, make them be more openminded. Everyone has the right to live his/her life - no matter what others think.

People who discriminate others make me angry and sad. In our time, the 21st century, where we all are enlightened, something like that simply should not happen. So, for making a change, support the ones who are excluded. We are all equal. It is so sad that football players, for example, cannot come out, because they fear the reactions of the people. 

Make a change. Create a society full of tolerance. Everyone can love who he/she wants. There is nothing wrong with being homosexual.

=  Everyone deserves to love who he wants!  =


Let us spread this message. Thank you.

♥ xoxo

January 7, 2014

Life Is What Happens To You While You're Busy Making Other Plans / A Jar of Good Memories

Hallo meine Lieben! Ein Post auf deutsch? - Ja, ihr habt richtig gesehen. Ich habe mich dazu entschieden, auch auf deutsch zu schreiben, da sich so manche Dinge viel besser sagen lassen und mir so das Schreiben auch viel leichter von der Hand geht. Nichtsdestotrotz werde ich den gleichen Post auch noch auf englisch schreiben.

Das neue Jahr ist gerade einmal eine Woche alt, da macht man sich schon Gedanken, wie es denn so verlaufen soll. Was man sich erhofft, wünscht, geplant hat... Meiner Meinung nach sollte man das nicht alles so verbissen angehen, sondern manchmal auch nur schauen, wie sich alles entwickelt. Dazu gibt es ein schönes Zitat aus einem Song: "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." Das beschreibt es doch ganz gut - Leben ist, was uns so passiert, während wir geschäftig durch die Welt eilen.

Ein altes Jahr ist vergangen. An manches erinnert man sich vielleicht weniger gern zurück, doch jedes Jahr beinhaltet auch seine schönen Momente. Um diese nicht zu vergessen, kann man sie aufschreiben. Es gibt eine nette kleine Idee dazu: A jar of good memories. Schreibe einen tollen Moment, an den du dich erinnern willst auf einen Zettel, falte diesen und bewahre in auf. Das kann in einem Glas sein, einer Dose... Deiner Kreativität sind keine Grenzen gesetzt. Mit jedem schönen Moment wächst auch deine kleine Sammlung an Zettelchen. An Silvester öffnest du dein Glas der guten Momente und erinnerst dich wieder an sie.

Welche Ideen habt ihr, um tolle Momente unvergesslich zu machen?

♥ xoxo


Hello my dears! A blogpost in German? - Yes, you are right. I have decided to post in German as well, because it is easier. Nevertheless, I will write in English too.

2014 has started only a week ago - and you already ask yourself how the new year should or will turn out. From my point of view, you should not plan too much. Let life go its way - that is what life is about. There is a nice song-quote regarding this topic: "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." It describes the meaning of life very well.

An old year is over. Some moments were not as good as others, but what about capturing the good times. There is a nice idea: A jar of good memories. Write down a great and special moment you do not want to forget on a piece of paper, fold it and keep it in a jar, a box, wherever you want. With every passing wonderful moment your amount of papers grow. On New Year's Eve you open your jar - and remember the great memories.

What are your ideas to make great moments unforgettable?

♥ xoxo